How does your media production represent particular social groups ?
Our prodcution focuses mainly on teenagers we felt that we could appeal best to this audience because we are teenagers ourselfs so we know what other teenagers want to see in a film. We emphasised that the audience is based on teenagers by the way the some of the characters spoke especially Liams character who uses alot of slang when he speaks which teenagers can relate to. Also the dress code of the characters represents the social teenage group we are aiming at. We feel that the dress code was very important because you can get a rough idea about a person by the way they dress. The way somebody dresse's sends a message out to people about what they are about and we have used this in our peice.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
A teenage based institution like M.T.V would help distribute out product because M.T.V has become less of a music channel and more of a teenage based programe during the years. I think that M.T.V would distribute this film because millions of teens watch M.T.V everyday so it would appeal to them and if u can appeal to teens that is a very big market to distribute to.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for our play is 13-19 year olds. The reason why we chose this age group is because people from these ages can relate to the story that out film tells. We did not wannt to aim it to an older audience because we knew that they would not relate to the story as well as teenagers.
How did you attract/address your audience?
We attracted the audience by making our title scene set the story so people who are watching it know what the film is about which will make them want to see how the story unfolds. Some of the locations we used would attract the audiences attention for example the school was used because allmost every teenage aged 13-18 are in education and go to school so that will engage them because they do the same thing everyday get up and go to school.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt alot of things about the technologies of constructing this peice seen as this is the first time i have done media before. I have learnt how to put things like titles on a clip , edditing music into a clip , adding effects into certain clips etc. Ive learnt that u have to be patient when you use these programs because sometimes things can go wrong and it takes quiet a while to get certain things just exactly where u want it.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Monday, 15 March 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Kyle Cooper Evaluation

Kyle Cooper is known as the most successful modern designer of motion picture title sequences. He has made title sequences for films like Spider-Man 2 , Dawn of the dead , Incredible Hulk. He has also done title sequences for games like Metal Gear Golid Sons Of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater. Kyle Cooper is the founder of two internationally recognized film design companies Imaginary Forces and prologue films.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
This is our opening sequence story board. These are some of the ideas we came up with to put into our opening sequence. The whole group sat down and dicussed what we should do and everyone was happy with the end result. However we did not get to use every idea on our storyboard because we could not fit it in.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Rating of the film
Editing Our Peice
The editing of our peice i would say went rather well we had a few hicups while trying to tweek certain bits to our film but we got there in the end. The only majour problem we came across with editing our film was trying to get a certain bit of our song to match a slow motion bit in our film. Other than that editing went smoothly. We edited our film using i movie we chose to use i movie becuase we felt it was easier to use.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Location And Props
We used 3 different locations for our production peice. The first location was welling school we used this location because we needed a school scene so we just used our own school to save time. The second location we used was Connors house.We used his house for the waking up scene for Kirsty. The third location was Jordans house we used her house for her waking up and getting dressed scene.
There wasn't many props used in our production because we didnt really need many. We used a pair of no lense glasses for the geek some school books. For the beuty the main prop was make up because she was applying it in one of our scenes.
There wasn't many props used in our production because we didnt really need many. We used a pair of no lense glasses for the geek some school books. For the beuty the main prop was make up because she was applying it in one of our scenes.
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